Terre3 -Agile 3D world

Terre3 is an R&D startup specializing in creating 3D maps connected to cadastral data, perfect for tourism, construction, and engineering. Explore the innovative products and services in our dynamic 3D world.

Terre3 is an innovative R&D startup dedicated to developing highly realistic 3D maps for the tourism, construction, and engineering sectors. Our maps are continuously updated and directly linked to cadastral data, ensuring the utmost precision and detail in a dynamic 3D world.

Our GIS (Geographic Information Systems) products are designed to be accessible to any user. If you’re in the tourism industry, you’ll find Terre3 especially appealing, as we create Smart Cities that incorporate geolocation and gamification, providing an interactive and entertaining experience. We digitize routes with 360º images, clearly indicating the starting and ending points. We also integrate drone-captured videos, offering panoramic views of areas that may be inaccessible or hazardous for visitors. This way, our Terre3 routes are suitable for everyone, enabling anyone to savor every detail.

Start Up de I+D
Terre3 está enfocado al turismo en cuanto a que puedes digitalizar tu ciudad o ruta, el trozo de mapa que quieras para mostrárselo al usuario tal como lo encuentra en la realidad.

Moreover, we incorporate digital twins, providing such a realistic experience that you’ll feel as if you are physically present, exploring the interiors of buildings and moving through them. To achieve this, we employ Matterport technology, considered the most suitable in the market. Within the Terre3 dynamic 3D world platform, you can explore buildings, conduct guided tours, as well as take precise measurements of walls and obtain any other relevant information.

In the field of engineering and construction, our GIS maps offer significant advantages. You can import your projects and construction works to analyze how the terrain will behave since our maps include physical simulations that allow you to perform the necessary assessments. If you work with BIM projects, you can upload IFC files and use them in conjunction with the map of the area. Our map is based on cadastral data and is directly connected to the cadastre, enabling you to obtain detailed cadastral information for any plot displayed on the map.

Terre3 está enfocado a la ingeniería y la construcción ya que puedes hacer simulaciones con datos públicos, incluir tus proyectos bim y añadir físicas a todos los objetos del mapa
Ofrecemos un producto llave en mano sin suscripción que contiene toda la información audiovisual de cualquier territorio.

We offer a subscription-free turnkey product containing all audiovisual information (360º photos, drone videos, digital twins, etc.) of any territory, implemented in an interactive 3D map based on official data from public institutions. Furthermore, we ensure great compatibility with geolocation devices and features.

Ofrecemos un producto llave en mano de gamificación en el que los usuarios pueden jugar en formato 360º y 3D con diferentes desafíos.

We offer a turnkey gamification product where users can play in 360º and 3D format with various challenges. This product enables our clients to gather data and provide users with benefits and relevant information, all on an interactive 3D map based on official data from public institutions and compatible with various geolocation platforms and features.

Un servicio especializado en el seguimiento de los diferentes servicios de emergencia, como Copernicus.

A specialized service for monitoring various emergency services, such as Copernicus. Through TerreEmergency, we can provide relevant 3D data for emergency situations, aiding response services in gaining a better understanding of their operating environment. This real-time and 3D-format information can be invaluable for decision-making and efficient management of emergency situations.

Una herramienta clave para el buen desarrollo de la innovación actual y el acceso a servicios públicos de gran interés.

We incorporate the necessary technology to enable the coexistence of GIS and BIM engineeringbased on publicly available official data, which provides a key tool for the successful development of current innovation and access to highly valuable public services.

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